09.04.2025 - 14:15
Life Ethics
Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen
16.04.2025 - 14:15
Scaling Effective Ocean Governance
Prof. Dr. Stefan Partelow
30.04.2025 - 14:15
The World as a Factory? An Architectural Attempt to Understand the Smart World in the Context of Surveillance Capitalism
07.05.2025 - 14:15
"Alone Together"? Is a Just, Solidary and Diverse (Urban) Society Possible?
14.05.2025 - 14:15
Can We Still Be Saved? How Environmental Ethics Can Support the European Green Deal
Lecture by Dr. Jan Mehlich in the context of the Dies Academicus
Lecture hall V, main building of the University of Bonn
21.05.2025 - 14:15
Greener, Smarter, More Efficient? A ThinkJourney Into the Energy World of the Future
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneiders
28.05.2025 - 14:15
04.06.2025 - 14:15
Dependencies/Critical Heritage
18.06.2025 - 14:15
"Zukunftsmusik" - The Future of Music or the Music of the Future?
25.06.2025 - 14:15
The Future of Civil Protection in the Light of Climate Risks and Civil Defence
Prof. Dr. Alexander Fekete
02.07.2025 - 14:15
The Future of Sustainable Development in Cooperation Between Different Cultures
09.07.2025 - 14:15
Quantum Computing and Ethics