Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100

About Us

Living things change. This applies to individual human life as well as to social, economic, cultural and non-human life. Five systemically interacting dynamics particularly shape the changes in our time: technologization, economization, ecologization and globalization as well as the transformation processes associated with them. Where are they leading us? What moral attitudes and beliefs underlie these dynamics, and what values should guide us in shaping them for a flourishing life?


The Center for Life Ethics, part of the Transdisciplinary Research Area 4 "Individuals, Institutions and Societies" of the University of Bonn, is dedicated to analyzing and shaping life-changing dynamics in close cooperation with scholars from other disciplines as well as actors from different fields of practice. Ethics is our bridging cross-sectional perspective within the framework of inter- and transdisciplinary research, teaching and consulting. Together, we want to ask the right questions in the face of today's pressing challenges, offer ethical orientation and develop intelligent solutions.

Team of the Center for Life Ethics



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