Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100

01.June 2023 - 31.July 2024

Guidance on Health Information on the Internet (OriGes)

Guidance on Health Information on the Internet (OriGes)

Background, Questions and Objectives

The internet plays a central role as a source of information about health issues. Due to the variety and spectrum of health information on the internet, consumers are faced with challenges, especially regarding the development of suitable search and evaluation strategies. At the same time, not all consumers are alike, and their online behavior is influenced by individual and socio-economic conditions. The project "Guidance on Dealing with Health Information on the Internet" (OriGes) has been addressing these issues.

Two websites have been developed to strengthen the competencies of consumers in dealing with health information: for adults and for younger people. The websites provide information, advice and tips on how to search for health information on the internet. In addition, they contain background knowledge about specific topics, including self-determination on the internet, preparation for and follow-up of doctors’ visits, and the use of health apps.

In order to ensure long-term availability of the information for consumers, the foundation “Stiftung Gesundheitswissen (SGW)” has adopted the OriGes websites. Therefore, the aim of the current project phase is, among other things, to connect the OriGes websites to the Foundation’s information offers on a content, structural, and technical level. The main focus in consolidating the information lies in digital applications in health care, and extended information to develop skills in dealing with digital health information.

Scientific Project Coordination CLE / Contact

© MedizinFotoKöln

Project Coordination OriGes

M. A.
Anna Geldermann



Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn

Scientific Project Management CLE

Prof. Dr. Christiane Woopen

Project Partners & Providers of the OriGes Portals

Stiftung Gesundheitswissen

Project Management Stiftung Gesundheitswissen

Markus Seelig

Cooperation Partners

Hochschule für Gesundheit Bochum (OriGes I and II)

Stiftung Gesundheitswissen (OriGes III)


BMJV (2017–2019, OriGes I)

BMUV (OriGes II, 2020–2022)

Stiftung Gesundheitswissen (OriGes III, since 2023)


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