Center for Life Ethics
Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7
D-53113 Bonn


+49 228 73 66100

Research Area Globalization

Jan Linhart


Jan Linhart is an anthropologist who focuses on relations between divergent knowledge cultures in the context of structural inequality. In 2008, Jan Linhart earned his Master's degree at LMU Munich with a research thesis on indigenous universities in Latin America and soon after moved to Brazil, where he worked in research and teaching until 2019. During this period, he also conducted participatory action research with an indigenous research collective, providing the empirical basis for his doctoral thesis on the geopolitics of scientific universalism at the Faculty of Cultural Studies at the European University Viadrina. Since 2022, Jan Linhart has been Senior Research Associate for the research area Globalization at the Center for Life Ethics at the University of Bonn, from where he researches the foundations of pluriversal dialogues on alternative futures together with an international research collective.



Center for Life Ethics

Schaumburg-Lippe-Straße 7

53113 Bonn


Academic Background


PhD in Cultural Studies, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt a.O., Germany



Master in Cultural Anthropology, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany

Curriculum Vitae (selection)

2022 – present

Center for Life Ethics, University of Bonn, Germany 

Senior Research Associate (research area Globalisation)


2014 - 2017

DeVry, João Pessoa, Braazil (private university) 

College Lecturer (Social Sciences, Research Methods, Political Sciences)


2012 - 2014  

Florida Christian University, USA / Unifuturo, João Pessoa, Brazil (private university, joint venture) College Lecturer (Educational Anthropology)  Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) (federal university), Brazil Researcher 


2010 – 2011, Berlin (on behalf of Heinrich-Böll-Foundation)

Researcher/Consultant (Interviews, visual argument mapping)


2008 - 2012

Echo-Source e.V., Berlin (social business, development of e-democracy solutions)

Founder/Executive Board Member



  • Linhart, Jan 2023: Science and the Other: An inquiry into the geopolitics of knowledge, Potiguara ontology and the hard problem of modern science. PhD thesis. Springer (forthcoming).
  • Batista, M. N. Faustina et al. 2021: Cosmologia Tradicional Potiguara. Linhart, Jan & Romero, Thiago (eds). Paulo Afonso: SABEH.
  • Batista, M. N. Faustina et al. 2021: Medicina Tradicional Potiguara. Linhart, Jan & Romero, Thiago (eds). Paulo Afonso: SABEH.
  • Linhart, Jan et al. 2017: O Coletivo de Pesquisa pela Valorização dos Saberes Potiguara. In: Uma década de expansão universitaria: estudos sobre o Vale de Mamanguape. 1. ed., João Pessoa: Editora do CCTA, v.2, 103-130.
  • Linhart, Jan 2017: Tecnofilia e vontade do poder: um ensaio sobre a nossa relação com a tecnologia. In: I Livro da Coleção de Saberes da DeVry João Pessoa. 40, v.1, p. 10ff.
  • Linhart, Jan et al. 2017: Auto-Etnografia Colaborativa entre os Potiguara e a Capacitação de Intelectuais Orgânicos. In: NEMDR.SEM.2017, Bananeiras/PB. II Seminário Internacional do Núcleo de Extensão, NEMDR, 2017. v.1. p.10 – 30.
  • Linhart, J.; Zampier, M. B.; Pereira, P.E. 2017: Escrita e Oralidade: Sobre o Papel Ambivalente do Uso da Escrita nas Escolas Indígenas. In: V SECAMPO, Seminário de Práticas Educativas, Mamanguape.
  • Linhart, Jan et al. 2016: O Coletivo de Pesquisa pela Valorização dos Saberes Potiguara: Apropriação do Espaço Acadêmico pelos Indígenas Potiguara. In: V SECAMPO, Seminário de Práticas Educativas, Mamanguape. 
  • Linhart, J. & Ramos, I. 2014: 
Educación Intercultural Indígena: El Programa de Educación Bilingüe Intercultural del CRIC, como un ejemplo de una propuesta integral para una educación alternativa. In: IV SECAMPO – Seminário de Práticas Educativas, IV SECAMPO – Seminário de Práticas Educativas, Mamanguape.
  • Linhart, J. & Nunes, E. 2014: Brejo Paraibano: Sexo Privê. In: Garcia, Loreley et al. (eds): Nas Armadilhas do Desejo. João Pessoa, 104-124.
  • Linhart, Jan 2012:  Interculturalidade no Contexto do Ensino Superior e as suas Implicações Epistemológicas. Cadernos de Educação Escolar Indígena, v.10, Barra do Bugres.
  • Linhart, J. & Grötker, R. 2012: Selbstbestimmung am Lebensende: Nachdenken über assistierten Suizid und aktive Sterbehilfe; Schriften zu Wirtschaft & Soziales, Band 10, Berlin, 120-150.
  • Linhart, J. & Papp Laszlo 2010: Bridging the Gap Between Bottom-Up and Top-Down e-Participation Approaches: e-Participation as Active Citizenship. In: Parycek, Peter &  Prosser, Alexander (eds): EDem2010: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on E-Democracy. Krems, Austria.
  • Linhart, Jan. Universidades Indígenas: Programas de Educação Indígena Superior na América Latina: A Caminho de uma Ciência Intercultural?; Open Access: (Portuguese translation of Master thesis).



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